Top Tips For A Productive (Yet Restful) Holiday Season

Dec 17, 2021 | Divorce start up business

While it doesn’t seem too long ago since we enjoyed long summer days and cloudless skies, the holidays are once again upon us. So, whether you completed your holiday shopping during the Black Friday sales or are prepping to brave the shopping center on Christmas eve, it’s time to start putting plans in place for the festive season.

One of the many struggles that businesses owners, particularly within the legal industry, deal with during this time is the idea that while it’s tempting to simply shut up shop and reach for the mulled wine, the demand for our services does not decrease during the festivities. In fact, some studies suggest that the Christmas period is one of the busiest times of year for those who specialize in divorces, with many clients wanting the chance to start the new year on a fresh page. This surge in demand is often why January is referred to as ‘Divorce Month.’

However, although the mediation business is booming, it’s equally important that you can enjoy yourself this December, too. After a busy and increasingly stressful year, you deserve to be able to spend time with your loved ones, watch cheesy Christmas movies and eat one too many mince pies.

Thankfully, there are many ways to achieve this goal without sacrificing your customer’s needs and expectations.

With that in mind, here are some top tips for a productive (yet restful) holiday season.

Manage your client’s expectations. 

Client satisfaction is important no matter what industry you work within – however, it’s vital in the legal field, where clients rely on you to guide them through one of the most challenging times in their lives. Furthermore, the better the relationship you share with clients, the easier it will be to gain referrals that keep your business afloat. While many different factors impact client satisfaction, one of the easiest ways to keep everyone happy is to manage expectations accordingly. When starting your journey together, your client should know exactly what to expect from you moving forward. You should give them an idea of how often you will be in contact and how long they should expect the process to last. As we’re approaching the holidays, you should also clarify when you will (and won’t) be in the office. Giving them an advanced warning of your schedule means they won’t be wasting their time trying to reach out when you’ve already clocked off.

Write down a list of everything you need to do before the Holidays.

Santa isn’t the only person who should be writing a list (and checking it twice) this holiday season. If you want to stay on track for the new year and all of the challenges that come alongside this, you should ensure that you tick all of those important tasks on your list before you clock off for Christmas. This way, you’ll be able to truly relax and unwind when the time comes, as opposed to thinking about everything you need to do when you get back into the office.

Be prepared for some delays. 

Delays during the Christmas period can be frustrating, but it’s important to remember that you cannot do much about them. For example, you may find that you’re waiting much longer than usual to receive necessary paperwork as people have taken time off. Whatsmore, delays have become even more common during the COVID-19 pandemic. While this can be demoralizing, it’s important to remember that some things are simply beyond your control – and you should factor these delays into your plans where possible. You should also ensure that you communicate with your clients whenever something has been pushed back.

Stick to your routine and stay focused.

As Christmas draws ever closer, many professionals begin to feel the need to loosen their reigns slightly and enjoy the festivities. For example, you might want to leave work early to attend a party or wander around the local Christmas markets. However, it’s equally important that you stick to your routine as much as possible before you take your break – as this will ensure that you get enough work done ahead of time to truly relax on the big day. For example, if you know that you have evening plans, you might want to head to work a little earlier so that you spend the same amount of time behind your desk as you would on an ordinary day.

Remember that it’s okay to take a break. 

Many of those who work in the legal field, from recent graduates to senior partners, feel they have to be constantly available to succeed. However, this simply isn’t the case – and answering your phone or replying to emails 24/7 could actually be hindering your success – especially during the festive season when your time could be better spent relaxing or making memories with your loved ones. There are many reasons why divorce services business owners should take breaks, especially during the holidays. After all, it gives you the chance to reset, letting go of whatever stress you have been carrying with you over the past year. It also means that you’ll come back in the new year with a renewed sense of excitement and enthusiasm, as opposed to simply feeling burned out.

Remember, as a DWD Provider, you’ll have our full support as you continue on your journey in the legal field. This means that we have a wide variety of resources available to you during the holidays so that you can focus on spending time with your family and enjoying the most magical time of the year!

Happy holidays!


Cindy Elwell
Founder, Divorce With Dignity

Our Founder started DWD, after years in the legal field, because she wanted to help people going through a divorce to do it peacefully – the way she did – and provide a safe place for them to do so. In 1995, she opened the first DWDignity office in Alameda, California and since then, she (along with her expanding network of Providers) has helped thousands of people obtain an amicable divorce.