How To Evaluate Your Professional Life In The Legal Field

Oct 12, 2021 | Divorce start up business

The legal field is widely considered to be one of the most competitive industries in the world, whether you specialize in family or employment law. This is hardly surprising when you consider that career progression within firms is tailored to your ability to get only the best outcomes and bring in new clients simultaneously. This means that many lawyers are not only competing with other firms — but also their colleagues. As such, it is hardly surprising that job satisfaction in the legal field appears to be at an all-time low.

In fact, a study carried out by CV-Library found that 50% of lawyers are unhappy in their current job roles, with many citing reasons such as poor company culture, a lack of workplace appreciation, and poor progression opportunities for their lack of satisfaction. However, if you are in a situation where you feel as though you need to evaluate your professional life, it’s important to note that the above issues are remediable — meaning you don’t have to consider a career change to win back some of your initial job satisfaction.

With that in mind, here are some ways you can reevaluate your job satisfaction and make a real difference in your career.

Figure out what is making you unhappy. The first step towards winning back job satisfaction is figuring out what made you unhappy in the first place. Again, this could be down to a multitude of factors. For example, you may be experiencing fractured relationships with your colleagues or feel as though the environment is just not right for you. Alternatively, you may feel your career has become somewhat stagnant – and you’re ready to take the next step up.

If you still cannot put your finger on the source of your unhappiness, take a step back and write down everything you would like from your ideal job. What would make you happy on a daily basis? Then, think about how you can incorporate this joy into your everyday life. For example, if your unhappiness stems from feeling undervalued – then you might want to prove your worth by asking your superior for more complex or challenging cases.

Set yourself goals. Setting yourself regular goals is another excellent way to begin to reevaluate your professional life and achieve job satisfaction. This is because whenever we meet a new goal, our outlook is instantly more positive – as it reinforces the fact that we are good at what we do. However, in these instances, it is far better to set yourself monthly goals instead of annual targets. This is because they are smaller and more manageable – meaning they often feel more in reach – helping you remain focused and motivated throughout the year. Furthermore, smashing your goals is another great way to impress the senior members of your firm, meaning you can climb the professional ladder much quicker. If you still feel as though something is holding you back from the next step – ask for a progression meeting with your supervisor. Ensure that your own professional goals align with their expectations of you, and ask what more you can do from the company.

Try something new. Sometimes, dissatisfaction in the workplace is rooted in the fact that we are simply not in the right workplace. For example, it may be time for you to branch out work independently – perhaps as a Divorce With Dignity Provider. Becoming a DWD Provider gives you the power to take your career and success into your own hands, running your own business and supporting local families through the divorce process. In doing so, you can capitalize on an ever-popular market (family law) with the support of having a recognized brand to work with from the word ‘go’. In fact, joining the Divorce With Dignity Network may be precisely what you need to free yourself and move forward with greater happiness. Furthermore, at DWD, we help ensure that each of our Providers is well-supported in their work – by offering monthly coaching sessions that allow you to set (and reach) new goals and targets, alongside providing you with access to a wealth of resources to help you grow and expand your business.

In short, there are various steps you can take that enable you to evaluate your professional life within the legal field. However, it’s also important to remember that, while your goals may seem far away, overnight success is by and large a myth. It takes time, effort, and a lot of hard work to achieve the success of your dreams — so don’t shy away when things get tough.


Cindy Elwell
Founder, Divorce With Dignity

Our Founder started DWD, after years in the legal field, because she wanted to help people going through a divorce to do it peacefully – the way she did – and provide a safe place for them to do so. In 1995, she opened the first DWDignity office in Alameda, California and since then, she (along with her expanding network of Providers) has helped thousands of people obtain an amicable divorce.