Do you ever think about the term “freedom” as you’re sitting in your small office or cubicle, doing the thankless and monotonous work you’ve come to expect in your daily grind?

So many of us, in the legal profession, found that we were overworked, underpaid, and generally… overqualified for the maxed-out role we’ve known for far too long. As paralegals (which many of us were), we were doing attorney-level work, knew the system and field inside and out, but we’re still just the under-appreciated Paralegal — working under one more more attorneys.

Some of did graduate from law school, pass the bar, and amass a huge amount of debt — only to find ourselves still unhappy, underappreciated, overworked, and underpaid as well. We learned that the promise of security and money did NOT lead to happiness in law. We found that the high stress, long hours, massive debt, competition for clients, negative stigma, drain and burnout, and ridiculous billable hours requirements, lead only to missed time with family and friend, anxiety attacks, and staying too late (far too often) to meet the minimums set by the partners who place an unreasonable -workload upon us. And we didn’t even feel good about the work we were doing for people…

If you’re one of the lucky ones, who does have a fulfilling career as an attorney, but wants to add an additional revenue stream to either get out of that crippling debt faster or simply increase your income, expanding your office to include amicable divorce services can offer so much more than just added income. It can also allow you to do more of the kind of work that is really fulfilling.

We’re finding that many students, coming out of college with their undergraduate degrees, are reconsidering their initial goals to attend graduate school (law school, specifically). US News said in an article on the topic that, “Law school is every bit as hard as people say. Be certain there aren’t other jobs out there you might like more.” Jobs (careers) that don’t start you on your career path with debilitating debt — perhaps, like becoming an Independent Paralegal.

According to the Paralegal Alliance,

An independent paralegal is a non-attorney who provides legal document preparation services to the public, and may be  referred to as a legal document preparer or forms practitioner. Independent paralegals help their clients save money on legal document preparation when they already know what they want and simply need someone experienced with the Courts and filing pleadings to help them locate the correct forms, fill them out properly, and follow the right procedure for filing or recording the documents. Independent paralegals may prepare bankruptcy petitions, uncontested divorce forms, powers of attorney, deeds, or estate planning and probate documents…

There are many challenges however, to being an Independent Paralegal. Running a business is hard work, and it is not for everyone. It requires self-discipline, motivation, and a certain amount of understanding of all aspects of owning and running a business, such as taxes, invoicing, accounting, and marketing. It can also be very challenging to complete legal documents and provide general legal information to the public without crossing the line into practicing law. Independent Paralegals should stay up to date on what is considered the practice of law in their state, and put procedures in place that help ensure they and their employees do not engage in the unauthorized practice of law.

– Paralegal Alliance

And, that’s where we come in… 

Divorce with Dignity offers Paralegals, who wish to go independent, (along with mediators and attorneys) the support they need to be successful with their own peaceful divorce business.

So, how about this weekend, on our country’s Independence Day, we claim a little independence and freedom for ourselves!? Because, though it sometimes doesn’t feel like it from the vantage point of our little cubicle, we are actually free — free to decide to venture out and choose something else — something more fulfilling, flexible, and what you make of it.

As you’re potentially celebrating the 245th anniversary of the adoption of the Declaration of Independence, surrounded by neighbors, friends, family, nervous pets, and possibly fireworks, spend some time thinking back to what freedoms are important to you (or, just pound a lot of barbecued foods and salad creations and enjoy the freedoms you have). It has been a long-time coming that we are able to gather together and celebrate one of the most important rights we have — freedom. Enjoy!

Take action to create the life you want — a life that you’re in control of. Let us help you succeed – take the first step towards becoming a Divorce With Dignity Network Provider!

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The author of this blog is not an attorney or financial advisor and the information contained in these blogs should not be considered legal or financial advice. Please do not hesitate to seek the advice of an attorney or financial advisor if you have any legal or financial questions. If you have any comments, questions, or concerns about the content of this post, we’d love to hear from you. Please send us a message at


Cindy Elwell
Founder, Divorce With Dignity

Our Founder started DWD, after years in the legal field, because she wanted to help people going through a divorce to do it peacefully – the way she did – and provide a safe place for them to do so. In 1995, she opened the first DWDignity office in Alameda, California and since then, she (along with her expanding network of Providers) has helped thousands of people obtain an amicable divorce.