“People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing – that’s why we recommend it daily”. -Zig Ziglar Most successful entrepreneurs attribute motivation as the key to their success. In any industry, certainly true of the...
Roadmap for Marketing Your Peaceful Divorce Business
For many people, marketing a business is the “scary” part of running a successful peaceful divorce business. The Divorce with Dignity Network gives their providers all of the marketing tools necessary to start their own business and grow their...
Divorce with Dignity: Taking the Leap to Open a Divorce Business
Most people procrastinate opening their own business because they are not sure that they are ready or unable to decide on the right type of business. In truth, staring a divorce services business – like a marriage – is a long term relationship that...
Expert Interview: Opening a Peaceful Divorce Business
Recently, we sat down with PJ Ferguson, author, Life Solutions Coach and Business Strategies Coach with Supreme-Self Coaching, for an eye-opening interview about the most important considerations for opening a peaceful divorce business. What's the...
Independent Paralegals – Building A Network Of Divorce Services
How Independent Paralegals Can Work With Lawyers and MediatorsTo Best Assist Their Clients Independent Paralegals (IPs) who own their own divorce services businesses will sometimes have clients who need legal advice or legal representation. Since...
Divorce Services Marketing Best Practices
Here are 5 marketing best practices for adivorce services business to get known locally. Obtaining clients for your divorce services business depends on getting the message out about your business to the public. Word-of-mouth recommendations is...
New Business Funding 5 Top Sources
Need new business funding here are five sourcesfor financing your divorce services business. Starting a new business is an exciting venture! You’ve done your homework, know your market, and are ready to push forward. But it does take some...
Own Your Own Peaceful Divorce Business
6 Reasons Why Owning Your Own Peaceful Divorce Business is both personally and financially rewarding. For those seeking a career with great earning potential, independence, and the opportunity to have a positive influence in the world, We invite...
Divorce Services Market Potential
Do not underestimate the importance of evaluating your divorce services market potential when starting your new divorce services business. Once you understand the scope of the overall market potential for your divorce services business, the next...
Divorce Services 10 Online Sites to Promote Locally
Is your divorce services business listed on various local search platforms, if not you are likely losing clients to your competitors. Google says 97% of consumers search for local businesses online. Search engines are cultivating small business...