Expert Interview: Opening a Peaceful Divorce Business

Aug 15, 2013 | Peaceful Divorce Practices

Recently, we sat down with PJ Ferguson, author, Life Solutions Coach and Business Strategies Coach with Supreme-Self Coaching, for an eye-opening interview about the most important considerations for opening a peaceful divorce business.

What’s the first thing a person should consider in opening a business?

The very first thing anyone should consider before starting their own business is “Why?” Starting a business is not as simple as many new entrepreneurs might think. About a third of new businesses fail in the first two years of opening their front doors. It’s no surprise as there are many things to learn and master such as marketing, sales, finances, product and materials creation, leasing office space, networking, legal issues and more. Most new entrepreneurs are not ready for all the details they will encounter. Starting and growing a successful business take a lot of determination, and hard work. You have to have a good reason for going through all that. If your reason is good enough, you will not only create a thriving business, but you’ll be happy doing it.

What should someone consider in starting a business in the Peaceful Divorce Services industry?

I think this has to do with your attitude toward family. If you support healthy families, then the Peaceful Divorce industry would be well suited for you. This may sound counter-intuitive since divorce is often destructive and damaging to the family unit. But, it’s quite the opposite. Divorce is harmful when people battle over custody, quarrel over finances and assets, and in general try to wage war on each other. After a typically painful, costly divorce,  both sides — including the children — can end up alienated, exhausted, broke and embittered.

Sometimes divorce is the best option, but it doesn’t have to be so distressing. Peaceful Divorce Providers support healthy families by helping them avoid many of the things that tear families apart. Through amicable divorce, they facilitate a spirit of cooperation rather than competition. Peaceful Divorce is also much more cost effective so both parties are saved from the usual financial concerns. Through amicable divorce, families can move through the divorce transition more smoothly and focus on continuing with their lives in a healthy way — rather than trying to pick up the pieces.

What will adding a divorce service to my services bring me from a website or marketing standpoint?

If you are considering starting a peaceful divorce business, or adding peaceful divorce to your current business, there are several benefits. First, even divorcing people still value family. If you can help them avoid a painful divorce, this will reflect very positively on you. Many clients will be grateful for the peace of mind your services provide.

For existing firms, peaceful divorce will help round out your offerings. You may not be a one-stop-shop, but people like the convenience additional services can provide. For new businesses, legal services are held in high regard. It’s nice to have some prestige and know you are doing some good for the world. At least 98% of divorces qualify for peaceful divorce processes, so you will appreciate the wide client base. There are many people whom you could help.

What should I consider when thinking about the advantages of starting a PDB?

I’ve had the pleasure of working with Cindy Elwell, founder of Divorce With Dignity, for several years now and have talked with her many times about the Divorce With Dignity Network of Providers. She has tested her business structure, products and services for over 18 years and proved them to be solid and successful. She now helps entrepreneurs open up their own Peaceful Divorce Practices around the country.

If you’re considering a peaceful divorce business, consider this — Divorce With Dignity provides:

  • A time-tested and proven business framework FOR you
  • A turnkey structure (no need to reinvent the wheel!)
  • All the business training you need to get a running start
  • Ongoing training and office support to help you grow your business
  • Marketing training and support to help your business thrive
  • A well-respected name in the divorce industry


About PJ Ferguson and Supreme-Self Coaching

PJ Ferguson is an author, Life Solutions Coach and Business Strategies Coach with Supreme-Self Coaching. He helps individuals makes transformations that help them get the most out of life. He works with entrepreneurs to clear away obstacles and transform their businesses to support their goals and dreams.


Cindy Elwell
Founder, Divorce With Dignity

Our Founder started DWD, after years in the legal field, because she wanted to help people going through a divorce to do it peacefully – the way she did – and provide a safe place for them to do so. In 1995, she opened the first DWDignity office in Alameda, California and since then, she (along with her expanding network of Providers) has helped thousands of people obtain an amicable divorce.