Guest post by Bronwyn Kay Galloway Bronwyn joined Divorce With Dignity in October 2019 when she opened her peaceful divorce business in San Francisco. She had such an interesting and inspiring journey to get here, that we asked her to share it! It...
Free Yourself!
Do you ever think about the term “freedom” as you’re sitting in your small office or cubicle, doing the thankless and monotonous work you’ve come to expect in your daily grind? So many of us, in the legal profession, found that we were overworked,...
What are you worth?
One of the biggest challenges new entrepreneurs face is recognizing their true value, putting a figure on that, and articulating it (with confidence) to others. In this final part of the series “The Secret to Keeping Your Client Load Full,” our...
The Mediation Business is Changing… and BOOMING!
Conflict is a natural part of life. Managed correctly, conflict can positively transform lives and relationships. Mediators are trained to understand the source of conflicts and identify a path away from adversarial positions toward positive growth...
If I could show you how to be rich beyond your wildest dreams, would you be interested?
Author: Anonymous If that title made you cringe, I doubt you’re alone. I came from a car dealership family, and I’ve heard a ton of super cheesy sales pitches not too far from that one. When it came to me needing to market my own business, the...
5 Reasons Why You Should NOT Start Your Own Business
At some point in our careers (when we’re working for other people), many of us figure out that we just can’t keep doing what we’ve been doing. Not. One. More. Day. Getting out of bed to start our workday has grown increasingly difficult. We know…...
Would you like to “be the boss”?
Peaceful Divorce Business has partnered with Kristine Carey, the Director of Training for Get Clients Now!, to ensure our Providers feel completely prepared to market their business and get clients, in a way that feels authentic and natural. Each...
You Need a One-Page Business Plan
Did your brain just shut down upon reading those two words: business plan? If so, you’re not alone. The thought of creating a business plan can leave many feeling overwhelmed or just lost as to where to even begin. And then, there are the...
January is Divorce Month, and… We Need You!
Every year, January proves to be a very busy time when it comes to divorce. For obvious reasons, such as difficult and strained holidays and the coming of a new year, many couples choose to file for divorce as quickly as January 4th for this year...
If You Want to Be Successful In Business, You Have to Know Your Numbers
In wrapping up this year and preparing to file 2020 tax documents, there will likely be some pain points and possibly even harsh realities for some business owners and managers who haven’t employed a trusty bookkeeper or an accounting system. It...