Divorce With Dignity Provider Spotlight…Sarah Elder

Dec 12, 2012 | Peaceful Divorce Practices

Divorce With Dignity’s Sarah Elder parlays her legal experience and management skills building a successfulpeaceful divorce services business.

As our Provider Divorce With Dignity – San Diego for 2 -1/2 years, Sarah specializes in planning and managing legal procedures and the facilitation of legal documents for those seeking a peaceful, cooperative divorce.

Why did you decide to become a Divorce With Dignity Provider owner?

The name is huge! But also, I knew this business opportunity matched my personal skill set. Before joining the DWD Network, I did my research and checked for any negative comments (I didn’t find any). I called and spoke with people who were already part of the Network to make sure they didn’t have any complaints, and they gave rave reviews.

How do you feel about helping people get through a peaceful divorce?

It brings me a lot of self-satisfaction. And it is very rewarding to see the positive effects and benefits peaceful divorce has on my clients from the beginning to the end of this difficult life transition. Being able to reduce the stress in a difficult situation for my clients is paramount to their best interest and my greatest joy.

What kind of training did you receive when you joined the DWD Network?

I received practical training in all aspects of running a business and specific training related to the divorce services I offer my clients. In addition to divorce legal paperwork, I was given training on other types of legal documents preparation as well, allowing me to expand my service offerings and have multiple income streams.

What advice would you give to someone considering joining the DWD Network?

If you are an independent paralegal thinking about getting into your own business but concerned with how you will generate business, the Divorce With Dignity name itself does a lot of the work for you. People know and respect it, and it communicates what business service we perform and what we stand for.

What about your advice to a person just starting their own DWD business?

Capitalize on the Divorce With Dignity name right from the start! There is a real negative perception associated with divorce process that doing it with “Dignity” really makes people feel like they can endure the process easier. I came up with a personal tagline that focuses on the Divorce With Dignity name – “If you gotta do it, Do it With Dignity!” – I use in all my marketing materials.

What has your background in business management and organization taught you about running a successful divorce services business?

First, get organized and immediately set up a work schedule, regardless of whether you are working in an office or at home, and stick to it!

Second, in our line of work you have to be non-judgmental. You have to be open-minded to all sorts of circumstances and beliefs, and be willing to suspend your own opinions about life, politics, or anything else. Your focus needs to be on how to help this couple find some sanity and dignity in the divorce process so that everyone in the family comes away with a positive outcome from which to build a new life.

How has becoming an independent Divorce With Dignity Provider affected your life?

I have so much more independence and control over my time and how much money I make. If I don’t put much effort into it, then I don’t get much out of it. But when I commit and work it full time, then I get full-time wages and benefits!

And how do you “work it”? What’s required to generate sales?

Networking is number one, following up on phone calls, following up on leads, connecting in every way you can. Don’t wait for the “clients” to come to you. An important benefit we get when we join the Network is a super intensive Get Clients Now program, which teaches you how to be really disciplined about follow-up and knocking on new “doors”. I found this really, really helpful.

What kind of advertising has been most productive for you in getting clients?

I have found word of mouth, networking groups, and ultimately, former client referrals as the most effective advertising.

Has joining the Divorce With Dignity Network brought you greater success than you could have achieved on your own?

Absolutely, 100%, as I said, the name “Divorce With Dignity” sells, period and the training and support is invaluable.

Take Away
The Divorce With Dignity Network is made up of legal professionals who want to have their own business, while enjoying the benefits of having support, training, and business advice from experienced members of the network. We invite you to visit our websitePeacefulDivorceBusiness.Com so we can help you achieve your dream of having a successful peaceful divorce services business of your own.


Cindy Elwell
Founder, Divorce With Dignity

Our Founder started DWD, after years in the legal field, because she wanted to help people going through a divorce to do it peacefully – the way she did – and provide a safe place for them to do so. In 1995, she opened the first DWDignity office in Alameda, California and since then, she (along with her expanding network of Providers) has helped thousands of people obtain an amicable divorce.