A Divorce With Dignity Provider helps others attain a peaceful divorce with dignity and finds a new career as an independent paralegal. Life often takes unplanned turns and detours, but sometimes these changes lead us to new ventures that become...
Job Satisfaction Among Legal Professionals
Legal professionals have concerns about job satisfaction according to recent surveys. Surveys conducted by the American Bar Association within the last five years have shown that disenchantment among both new and seasoned lawyers is widespread....
How To Start A Successful Divorce Services Business
Any successful endeavor starts with planning, and that is especially true when starting a business. A well-formulated business plan is essential to that planning – without it, you won’t be able to develop effective marketing strategies or know if...
Selecting A Location For Your Divorce Services Business
When you are just starting your divorce legal services business, there is no need to spend a lot of money on a fancy office set up. On the other hand, you don’t want to be meeting clients in coffee shops or other public places. Not only is it...
Is Starting A Divorce Services Business Right For You?
Have you been thinking it’s time for you to start your own divorce services business? Not sure if you are ready or not? Have your fears been holding you back? We understand – many of us have “been there”. So to help you with your decision, we are...
Divorce With Dignity Network Provider Spotlight…Lori Black Ogene
Divorce With Dignity Providers are legal professionals that believe in helping others attain a peaceful divorce with dignity. Today we are proud to feature one of our Divorce With Dignity Network Providers from Florida, Lori Black Ogene. Lori is...
Taking The Leap…Open Your Own Divorce Services Business
Be sure to look before you leap, but opening your own divorce services business just maybe making your own dream come true. At some point in our careers working for other people, many of us figure out that we just can’t keep doing what we’ve been...
The Best Name For Your Peaceful Divorce Services Business
What's the best name for my peaceful divorce services business? Now that you’ve decided to start your own divorce services business, you will want to find the best name for it. Choosing the right name can be daunting for new entrepreneurs because...
Are You Ready To Open A Peaceful Divorce Services Business?
Have you been dreaming about starting your own peaceful divorce services business? Have you considered a divorce services business helping people through the divorce process? You can make a good living in this branch of the professional legal...
Use a Business Coach and Grow Your Divorce Services Business
How to use a business coach to grow your peaceful divorce services business. Just as an athlete can reach peak performance with the help of an athletic coach, a business owner can also benefit greatly from a business coach. If you want your...